1 - 20 of 117
Active Filters: Harare
Tractors and Implements
  • harare south

We have a wide range of tractors from 30HP up to 2...

Domestic Peanut butter machine
  • harare south

40kgs an hour, gravity feed

3 Row & 4 Row Maize Planters
  • harare south

We have 3 row and 4 row maize planters.

Brand New Ridgers
  • harare south

Different sizes in store for up to 120HP 4x4 tract...

Disc Harrows (18-dish to 56-dish)
  • harare south

Wide range of disc harrows from 18 dishes up to 56...

Pest Control Services
  • harare cbd

Pest Control Services Domestic (fumigation servic...

Walking Tractor 14HP
  • harare south

comes with 2 disc plough 1 hector a day

YTO Tractors
  • harare south

Wide range of YTO tractors in store from 30HP 4x4...

Reversible Plough (550 model & 440 model)
  • harare south

Different sizes are available. Suitable for up to...

Treating Termite infestation
  • harare east

Treating Termite infestation $80

Wide Range of Brand New Disc Harrows and Roams
  • harare south

Both light and heavy models are available. Sizes f...

Automatic Baler Machine
  • harare south

Baler Machine.

Ant hill and ants control services
  • harare cbd

Ant hill and ants control services From $50usd

Treating all insects
  • harare east

Treating all insects $60

3 Tonne - 12 Tonne Farm Trailers
  • harare south

We have durable farm trailers from 3 tonne up to 1...

Domestic Peanut butter machine
  • harare south

40kgs an hour, gravity feed

Potato Harvester
  • harare south

Different sizes of potato harvesters available in...

  • harare north

A selection of fertilizers available for your home...

Wooden pallet heavy duty
  • harare south

L1200mmxW1000mmxH165mm Heavy duty Planned or ro...

  • harare south

Comes with attachments like the Rotary Tiller. Nee...