1 - 20 of 87
Coventry Table
  • harare south

The Coventry Table, to fit with your Coventry benc...

Coventry Bench
  • harare south

The Coventry bench, a stylish finish to any garden...

Patio/Outdoor furniture set
  • harare south

Our Favorite Outdoor Furniture to Start the Summer...

Pool Constructions
  • harare east

2 in 1 swimming pools Main and Baby pool using th...

  • harare north

We stock a variety of orchids at varying price on...

Petunia sleeves
  • harare north

It time to plant Petunias! Petunia sleeves and s...

swimming pool supplies
  • harare east

Maintain a safe and healthy swimming environment w...

IMC Honda Lawn Mowers
  • New
  • harare east

IMC Honda Lawn Mowers petrol engines black and r...

Hydrochloric pool acid 25 litres
  • harare east

Hydrochloric pool acid 25 litres

Monks Flat Bench
  • harare south

For your garden, canteen, school or any other publ...

Swimming Pools
  • harare cbd

A pool expert. The best in pool maintenance and re...

Succulents and cacti
  • harare north

A large selection of succulents, cacti and other d...

Husqvarna 541RS Brushcutter / Trimmer
  • harare east

Designed for all day, every day working in hot, du...

Coloured pots
  • harare north

A variety of pots in stock: Coloured pots rangin...

Swimming pools cleaning & maintanance
  • harare east

Call us for dirty pools, those which were out of u...

Pump House
  • harare east

To protect your swimming pool pumps and filter tan...

Pool pump and motor
  • harare east

Pool pump and motor . For the best water circulati...

Flowering annuals
  • harare north

Several different varieties of annuals sold in sle...

Petrol Brush Cutter
  • New
  • harare north

2 Stroke 25.4cc

Classic, Modern Swimming Pools Construction
  • bulawayo cbd industrial

For Swimming pool design and construction get in t...