Field Services Coordinator (Clinical) – Harare *1
Job Description
This position manages the PREVENT clinical HIV Prevention Nurse footprint in Harare, outside of the New Start Centre clinics. It is responsible for planning coordination, and implementation of quality clinical biomedical HIV prevention services in Harare, in line with organizational and industry best practices for the achievement of PREVENT project outcomes. This position works closely with the Senior Field Services Coordinator (SBC)
Duties and Responsibilities
• Formulates detailed clinical service delivery plans for each service delivery team and together with the Senior Field Services Coordinator (SBC), consolidates these into the District HIV prevention services plan that evenly matches clinical service delivery to demand.
• Works with the Provincial Health Executive (PHE) and Harare City Health Department to coordinate service delivery, build capacity of staff, assure quality, manage program logistics in line with MOHCC & donor policies and guidelines.
• Plans for appropriate service delivery models that are efficient and matched to demand and enable each service cluster to meet their targets.
• Organises and plans movements of clinical outreach teams together with the MoHCC and City of Harare Health Department.
• Plans for and ensures equitable resourcing of service delivery teams per demand and need across the districts in Harare.
• Generates and refreshes HIV Prevention Nurse part time pool by continuously engaging the DHEs, Harare City Health Department and private providers to identify capable cadres.
• Collaborates with the Regional Program manager to conduct readiness assessments for private sector facilities to offer biomedical HIV prevention services and facilitates their certification, MOU development and execution.
• Ensures that clinical teams have adequate recording and reporting tools.
• Mentors service delivery teams on the proper use of data collection tools (client intake form, registers, WFA).
• Ensures timely entry of VMMC outputs in PSH’s DHIS2 platform by all circumcisers and facilitates the updating of the MOHCC DHIS2.
• Reviews and verifies district data to inform decision making on program performance.
• Compiles and submits program reports against agreed key performance indicators.
• Analyses program results against targets to identify implementation challenges and suggests strategies to improve program performance.
• Maintains and enforces proper use, filing and storage of data collection tools (e.g., client intake form, referral, and linkage registers, HTS register).
• Monitors quality of service delivery in the program through sit-ins, client satisfaction/exit interviews, client suggestion box, and clinical audit meetings.
• Effectively supports and supervises all clinical teams in the district to ensure adherence to clinical program standards.
• Leads the implementation of improvement activities based on quantitative and qualitative data analyses to optimize clinical service delivery.
• Builds the capacity of staff based on need.
• Conducts routine and ad hoc spot checks as well as participate in Data Quality Audits (DQA’s) to ensure quality services.
• Ensures that current/updated SOPs and guidelines relevant to the program are available across all service delivery points and supports the adoption of new guidance by clinical teams to ensure effective and efficient clinical service delivery within the program.
• Serves as the focal person for Adverse Events (AE) management, facilitating active surveillance and timely access to emergency and follow-up care, and reporting for all AEs in line with MoHCC and Donor guidelines.
• Leads implementation of, and continuously monitors infection prevention and control activities in the program.
• Facilitates operational research in Harare per inclusion of Harare service locations in research protocols.
• Supervises HIV Prevention Nurses and Clinical Team Leads, managing LOE and leave efficiently to achieve optimal productivity and healthy work-life balance.
• Holds regular group and individual staff meetings to review staff performance, discuss human resource issues and plans for the program.
• Supports the recruitment of full and part-time clinical staff based on need.
• Accounts for all PSH assets in their area of jurisdiction.
• Effectively manages medical and non-medical commodities to ensure continuous availability of usable stocks across all service delivery teams and regularly assesses commodity availability within the program and in liaison with the district pharmacist.
• Collaborates with the Senior/Field Services Coordinator (SBC) to ensure continuous transport availability for demand creation and service delivery teams including preparing service orders for vehicle maintenance and repairs, log reporting per organizational transport policy.
• Requests for and manages program funds in line with the approved thresholds and ensure that all expenses are liquidated on time.
• Approves and verifies all expenditure incurred by the program in Harare for Biomedical HIV prevention service provision in line with organizational field financing protocols and donor regulations.
• Submits all invoices and supporting financial documents for the payment of PSH vendors and suppliers per stipulated timelines for work done in their jurisdiction.
• Ensures correct and efficient utilization of program resources in Harare.
• Develops Area risk register and monitors implementation per agreed actions and timelines.
• Anticipates program risks including fraud and at a minimum implements organizational controls to mitigate these risks.
• Continuously engages gate keepers and stakeholders for VMMC scale up in Harare.
• Works closely with the MoHCC, City of Harare and District Education personnel to ensure smooth implementation of VMMC service delivery.
• Represents PSH at all district fora organised by the MoHCC, City of Harare and other stakeholders and actively participates in relevant technical review and planning meetings.
• Strengthens communication and feedback to stakeholders on matters pertaining to their working relationship with PSH.
• Continuously engages other PEPFAR implementing partners in the district to enhance collaboration and eliminate duplication.
Qualifications and Experience
• Bachelor’s degree in nursing, medicine, or equivalent.
• Post graduate qualification in public health is an added advantage.
• Valid registration with the relevant health professionals' council
• 5 years relevant program management experience and prior experience managing/implementing VMMC programming is a must.
• Previous experience working with MoHCC at provincial level an added advantage.
• Demonstrated experience in establishing effective service delivery models; experience developing relationships with key stakeholders.
• Computer literate and excellent writing, analytical and oral presentation skills.
• Clean class 4 driver’s license.
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Member Since: Dec 2022
Number of Active Ads: 648